Dr. Hinshaw has authored 12 books and over 340 articles, including his most recent memoir, Another Kind of Madness: A Journey through the Stigma and Hope of Mental Illness.
Overall, he has been one of the 10 most productive scholars in the field of clinical psychology over the past decade.
Another Kind of Madness
Winner, Best Book Award, Autobiography/Memoirs, American Book Fest (2017/8)
Finalist, Best Book Award, Psychology/Mental Health, American Book Fest (2017/8)
A deeply personal memoir calling for an end to the dark shaming of mental illness
Families are riddled with untold secrets. But Stephen Hinshaw never imagined that a profound secret was kept under lock and key for 18 years within his family―that his father’s mysterious absences, for months at a time, resulted from serious mental illness and involuntary hospitalizations. From the moment his father revealed the truth, during Hinshaw’s first spring break from college, he knew his life would change forever.